Make Your Dog Smile
Tellington TTouch Training
The Tellington TTouch is a teaching method for animals and incorporates bodywork, and groundwork exercises where appropriate, to help improve coordination, balance and athletic ability whilst deepening further communication and understanding between the animal and its owner/carer.
TTouch helps increase levels of self-confidence, self-awareness and self-control.
Tellington TTouch Training
Developed by Linda Tellington-Jones, TTeam and TTouch are used widely in many countries across the world by shelter assistants, dog trainers, zoos, veterinarians, therapists and pet owners.
With its roots in the Feldenkrais method of Awareness Through Movement, TTouch techniques gently guide the animal through non-habitual exercises that can alter existing habitual patterns. As posture affects behaviour, many owners and carers note that unwanted behaviour diminishes as animals posture improves. TTouch teaches the animal to act, rather than simply react.
TTouch blends well with many other modalities and training methods. It is not necessary to adopt the whole TTouch philosophy in order to make a difference to an animal. Learning just a few of the simple body TTouches and movements can help make a difference to an animal’s life.
TTouch is something we do FOR animals, not to them!

TTouch Session
TTouch session, when working one to one with your dog, will usually take place in your home.
Within the session your dog will be assessed, a history or update obtained and work undertaken towards helping your dog and you with the issue/issues.
The session usually lasts for an hour and a half to two hours. In this time Jetta will gather history, assess and work with your dog and then teach you any relevant work. Any further sessions are usually around one hour long. The length of sessions is regulated by the dog Jetta is working with, as often for animals “less is more”!
TTouch session price is €100.00
To book a one to one session or if you are interested in hosting a workshop, please fill in the contact form below.
TTouch Session
TTouch session, when working one to one with your dog, will usually take place in your home.
Within the session your dog will be assessed, a history or update obtained and work undertaken towards helping your dog and you with the issue/issues.
The session usually lasts for an hour and a half to two hours. In this time Jetta will gather history, assess and work with your dog and then teach you any relevant work. Any further sessions are usually around one hour long. The length of sessions is regulated by the dog Jetta is working with, as often for animals “less is more”!
TTouch session price is €70.00
To book a one to one session or if you are interested in hosting a workshop, please fill in the contact form below.